Friday, 25 September 2020

Computer Engineering Salary

Description of the profession If you have a good metabolism, a head full of hair, and a good job, don't marry young - wait 10 years and make your choice. A programmer is a specialist who develops computer programs based on special mathematical models. Programmers are usually divided into two categories - system (developing operating systems, working with networks, writing interfaces to various databases) and applied (creating websites, applications, software, games, accounting programs, editors, messengers, etc.). 

A system engineer makes programs for a computer, and an application engineer makes programs for people. Relatively speaking, of course. That is, a system engineer writes programs to solve certain problems inside the computer itself (such a program may have a completely "human" graphical interface, or it may not), and an applied program solves problems of the real world on a computer. For example, text editors that allow us to type texts on a computer are developed by applied people. And the program for defragmenting the hard disk is already the task of the system programmer, tk. such a program provides interaction between programs and the so-called hardware. Programming arose when the first electronic computer appeared, or maybe a little earlier. In 1944, the most powerful computer at that time "Mark-1" was developed, and already in the 70s of the twentieth century this profession became prestigious and well paid, despite the fact that the development of programming in different countries evolved in completely different ways. ... 

It's hard to imagine our current life without programmers. The Internet plays an important role in business development and not only. If you need to find information, we search through a search engine for suitable web resources. Own site helps in work, is the company's business card. If it were not for the ability of programmers to create something unique, then the Internet would be scary to look at. Personal qualities New versions of programs are released almost monthly, the characteristics of equipment are updated, and specialists in the field of information technology should always be aware of these changes. Therefore, the ability to self-learn is one of the main skills that a programmer should have. Proficiency in English at the level of reading technical documentation is another mandatory requirement for representatives of this profession. 

For such specialists, the ability to work is very important: in a team, on large projects, with collective development tools, with large financial systems (budget, banking, management accounting). For applicants for the position of a leading programmer, project and team management skills, independence, initiative, as well as the ability to take personal responsibility for the task are desirable. average salary The salary based on the results of the interview (limited only by experience and knowledge) on average from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles and more per month. + bonuses for the performance of the delivered volumes of work at the end of the month, at the end of the quarter, year. As a bonus: corporate training (trainings, seminars, courses); delivery by official transport; creative office (+ coffee, recreation areas), other. Education (What you need to know?) Programmers are trained in many higher educational institutions. Although many specialists with a different education, and sometimes even no higher education at all, work successfully in this area computers questions

Many good programmers are self-taught. The most important thing in the learning process is not so much listening to lectures as solving problems and participating in various educational projects. It is important for a future programmer to learn to think, find the right solutions, and "use their brains". Information technologies are developing very quickly, therefore, such specialists need self-education skills in order to keep up with the times and not lose their qualifications after receiving the main diploma. A specialist in this field needs to know programming languages, be able to create web pages, be fluent in a foreign language (at least English) and constantly improve his knowledge, since in a few years he may not be the lot. Not all programmers create websites. There are those who develop programs specifically for the work of a particular enterprise (application programmers).

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